Article: Today’s debate: The Wall Street Journal asks who’s responsible for preventing obesity?

Marion Nestle weighs in with her recommendations about how the government needs to play a bigger role in our fight to prevent obesity. What do you think? Is it the government’s responsibility to manage our diets or should we exhibit more self control? Drop me a line with your thoughts!

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5 Replies to “Article: Today’s debate: The Wall Street Journal asks who’s responsible for preventing obesity?”

  1. It’s the government’s job to make sure we are getting truthful information so we can make our own decisions about our diets. It’s not the government’s job to tell me what to eat! (the horror!)

    Obesity is such a complex issue. There are physical, hereditary, emotional, and mental factors that play a role in obesity. It’s a refection of society and lifestyle, but ultimately we need to change ourselves.
    2012 numbers say there are 72 million people obese in the USA alone! 20% of all cancer deaths (over 54,000) per year are related just to obesity. It’s not a problem for government. It’s a problem for society.
    Great question.


  2. Well, I agree with Marion Nestle that the healthier choice SHOULD be the easier choice. In fact, there was a study just last fall that showed just how expensive healthy eating is–and that it’s really a privilege of the rich: The government should NOT tell us what to eat or drink but, rather, how about putting some of that effort and energy into programs that could help educate people?


    1. Agreed. I think her point about SNAP benefits is apt. You can use those benefits at a farmers market which is great all around but then you can also use it to buy unhealthy snacks and prepared foods at a supermarket. If these types of programs are offered than they should introduce some caveats that will urge people in a healthier direction.


  3. It all begins with proper education. We cannot blame others for the choices we make. The governments responsibility is to make labelling mandatory so we know what is in our food and give us the choice to choose. Teaching children proper nutrition from a young age will help them throughout their lives. It doesn’t matter what bans are placed on soda sizes if you can go to 7/11 and buy a 68 ounce bottle on your way home. If parents weren’t properly educated how can they teach their children? Money on proper education programs would go a long way. It is really sad to see the obesity and health issues people are dealing with.


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