Serendipitous Moments

Thankful Thursdays on Food4ThoughtNYC

“Whether we name divine presence synchronicity, serendipity, or graced moment matters little. What matters is the reality that our hearts have been understood. Nothing is as real as a healthy dose of magic which restores our spirits.”
Nancy Long

The last line of Long’s quote resonates profoundly for me, especially this week. I never gave serendipity much thought before, simply because I wrote those moments off as coincidence.

As I gave myself over to mindfulness and developed a deeper awareness of the signs around me, I realized that sometimes the universe unexpectedly opens a door. It might not be where I thought I was headed, but it’s always directed me where I needed to go.

Each time I experience serendipity, I feel what can only be described as wonder at what a bit of faith and time can yield in light of a desperate situation.  It’s profoundly humbling.  And magical too.


Have you ever felt serendipitous moments?

What are you thankful for this week?

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below or on FB and Twitter.

As always, keep paying it forward. Stay healthy! 🙂

9 Replies to “Serendipitous Moments”

  1. So important to remember to take time to be grateful and express thanks for all the good stuff in our lives. Thank you for the reminder!


  2. I’m thankful for a lot throughout the year so my family put together a blessings jar to submit blessings as they occur. As you can imagine that jar is getting filled up pretty quickly and it is only April!! I am so happy and blessed – it’s too much to post here.


    1. That’s a wonderful idea! I like the idea of having a physical representation of all those moments to keep as a reminder. Many blessings to you. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing. 🙂


  3. Great idea! I am thankful that I am at the tail end of my injury and I am finally back to running again! Great blog, by the way! I saw your link on Jill’s Friday link-up!


    1. That’s great to hear! Glad that you’re recovering and getting back out there. Thanks for stopping by! I’m here every Thursday sharing my journal, so please feel free to check it out. 🙂


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