Dannon Oikos Greek Nonfat Yogurt and belVita Breakfast Biscuits

I have partnered with belVita and Dannon to help promote the belVita and Dannon partnership. I have been compensated for my time commitment to the program, which includes writing about the promotion and product. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.

Be honest with me here. How many times do you skip breakfast?

Are you slowly raising that hand up with a bit of a guilty expression on your face? Yup, I’ve been there.

Okay, now how many of you choose a sugary pastry or doughy bagel while in line for coffee to appease said guilt?….Yup, I’ve been there too.

With hectic mornings spent prepping for work or school, breakfast often gets overlooked. It happens.

As much as I enjoy a full and leisurely breakfast (hello, brunch anyone?), it’s a near impossibility for me to make the time each morning before I dash off to work. Shortcuts are necessary and I’m always looking for healthy breakfast options that I can pick up on my way out the door or leave packed and ready the night before.

Dannon Oikos Greek Nonfat Yogurt and Crunchy belVita Breakfast Biscuits offer just that. They are delicious and convenient options that you can enjoy each morning without having to throw a wrench into your schedule or your diet.

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Greek yogurt has become a breakfast staple of mine this past year for its myriad of health benefits and smooth and creamy texture. It’s versatile too: I’ve used greek yogurt in baking recipes, subbed it in for sour cream, and I’ve tossed it into my smoothies. Dannon’s Oikos Greek Nonfat yogurt is no exception:

  • 12-15g of protein in each single serving (based on the flavor); 2x more protein than regular low-fat yogurt
  • 0g of fat
  • 80-130 calories (based on the flavor)

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I love that there are 10 different flavors to choose from so that I’ll never get bored. My favorite tends to be plain or vanilla because I throw in healthy sides like almonds, flax seeds, chia seeds, and fruit.

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And now I can add Crunchy belVita Breakfast Biscuits as an alternative to sugary granola. Loaded with whole grains, these biscuits give you steady energy throughout the morning, helping me stay focused at work without thinking about taking a snack break. Feeling hungry can be a major distraction.

Crunchy belVita Breakfast Biscuits come in 5 flavors including Golden Oat (pictured), Blueberry, Apple Cinnamon, Cinnamon Brown Sugar, and Chocolate. If you’re a nut about experimenting with different flavors and customization, then this is a perfect pairing with Dannon Oikos Greek nonfat yogurt.

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Each individual package of 4 crunchy biscuits is portioned for breakfast and provides:

  • 18-20g  of whole grains;  offers heart-healthy fiber and brain food (your brain needs carbs!)
  • 3g of dietary fiber; helps keep you feeling full longer
  • A good source of four B vitamins and iron; keeps you feeling strong and energized

Additionally, crunchy belVita Breakfast Biscuits contain no high-fructose corn syrup, no partially hydrogenated oils (0 grams of trans fat per labeled serving), and no artificial flavors or sweeteners.

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I am not a big fan of any food choice that sacrifices health for convenience, especially if that means I’m adding loads of  artificial ingredients that my body doesn’t need. I often go the DIY route, but belVita’s crunchy breakfast biscuits with Dannon Oikos Greek nonfat yogurt are a great way to fuel me through the busiest mornings when I can’t prepare something from scratch. Plus, it’s super yummy!

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It’s the perfect contrast of smooth and crunchy, tangy and sweet.

Optimal health is all about balance. Don’t beat yourself up for skipping breakfast. Save thatenergy for finding a breakfast option that will help you be more productive for the busy day ahead without costing you too much in time and money. Give Dannon Oikos Greek nonfat yogurt and belVita’s Crunchy Breakfast Biscuits a shot the next time you visit the grocery store.

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Be sure to visit Dannon’s Oikos  and belVita Breakfast Biscuits’ websites for more nutrition information and where to purchase their products.

Have you ever tried Dannon Oikos Greek nonfat yogurt or belVita’s Crunchy Breakfast Biscuits?

What’s your favorite on-the-go breakfast?

Share your thoughts and comments below or on FB and Twitter.

As always, keep paying it forward. Stay healthy! 🙂


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